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Chambers MS, Atack JR, Broughton HB, Collinson N, Cook S, Dawson GR, Hobbs SC, Marshall G, Maubach KA, Pillai GV, Reeve AJ, MacLeod AM: Identifi cation of a novel, selective GABA(A) alpha5 receptor inverse agonist which enhances cognition.

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Atack JR, Pike A, Clarke A, Cook SM, Sohal B, McKernan RM, Dawson GR: Rat pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a sustained release formulation of the GABAA alpha5-selective compound L-655,708. Sieghart W, Sperk G: Subunit composition, distribution and function of GABAA receptor subtypes. Pirker P, Pirker S, Schwarzer C, Wieselthaler A, Sieghart W, Sperk G: GABA(A) receptors: immunocytochemical distribution of 13 subunits in the adult rat brain, Neuroscience 2000, 101:815-850. Izquierdo I, Medina JH: Memory formation: the sequence of biochemical events in the hippocampus and its connection to activity in other brain structures. Curr Med Chem Cent Nerv Syst Agents 2005, 5:217-242. Sieghart W, Ernst M: Heterogeneity of GABAA receptors: reviwed interest in the development of subtype-selective drugs. Rudolph U, Möhler H: Analysis of GABAA receptor function and dissection of the pharmacology of benzodiazepines and general anesthetics through mouse genetics. Krazem A, Borde N, Béracochéa D: Effects of diazepam and beta-CCM on working memory in mice: relationships with emotional reactivity. Chapouthier G, Venault P: GABA-A receptor complex and memory processes. Chebib M, Johnston GA: GABA-Activated ligand gated ion channels: medicinal chemistry and molecular biology. Korpi ER, Grunder G, Luddens H: Drug interactions at GABA(A) receptors. Subtypes of gammaaminobutyric acid (A) receptors: classification on the basis of subunit composition, pharmacology, and function. Olsen RW, Sieghart W: International Union of Pharmacology.

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